RabbitMQ team provides a generic SUSE RPM which works on
openSUSE 11.x,
openSUSE 12.1, and I presume on the pay-to-play versions of
SuSE Enterprise Server. About the only real dependency for
RabbitMQ is the
erlang platform which is packages in the
erlang language repo. So the only real trick is getting the RabbitMQ package itself [from this page]. Then install and start is as simple as:
zypper ar erlang
zypper in erlang
rpm -Uvh rabbitmq-server-2.8.1-1.suse.noarch.rpm
service rabbitmq-server start
Now you probably want to do some configuration and provisioning using the
rabbitmqctl command; but your
RabbitMQ instance is up and running.
Update 2012-04-10: Updated these instructions to install RabbitMQ 2.8.1. The later 2.7.x series have start-up script issues as those scripts use the "
runuser" command which is not present on
openSUSE. Running the latest
RabbitMQ is generally a good idea in any case, recent versions have corrected several memory leaks and manage resources more efficiently.