
Suppressing SNMP Connection Messages

You have, of course, done the responsible sys-admin thing and setup an NMS (be it ZenOSS, OpenNMS, Nagios, whatever...).  Then there is the concommitant action of configuring SNMP services on all the relevant hosts.  All is good.  But running SNMP on several distributions churns out the log messages;  when you go to the logs to research a problem you have to filter out and sort through thousands upon thousands of pointless messages like:
Aug  1 16:08:38 flask-yellow snmpd[1976]: Connection from UDP: []:52021
Aug  1 16:08:38 flask-yellow last message repeated 24 times
Argh.  Detail logging is good, but pointless noise is not.  The solution isn't very well documented but you can bring this to a stop. 

Step 1.) Make sure you have net-snmp or later.  This should not be a problem as even RHEL5/CentOS5 provide this version via update.
    $ rpm -q net-snmp
Step 2.) Edit /etc/sysconfig/snmpd.options or your system's equivalent making sure you do not pass the "-a" option to the SNMP daemon.  The "-a" option enables the logging of the source IP addresses of all incoming requests.  If you want to know about these kind of events iptables and ulog are more reliable and efficient methods for capturing that information.
    # OPTIONS="-Lsd -Lf /dev/null -p /var/run/snmpd.pid -a"
    OPTIONS="-Lsd -Lf /dev/null -p /var/run/snmpd.pid"
Step 3.) Edit the /etc/snmpd/snmpd.conf verifying you have the dontLogTCPWrappersConnects directive set to 1 (true).  Add this directive to the configuration file if it is not specified.
Step 4.) Restart the SNMP service.

Now when you go to look into the log files it is again possible to hear the breeze, the singing of the birds, and the distant growling of that guy from Kazakstan who is trying to crack your SSH daemon.

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