If you stick to the rules, you can safely manage times... so long as those times are all localized. Naive times, times that are not localized, are the enemy.
Unfortunately there is a lot of code out there, even in important and widely used modules, that uses nieve datetimes. If you try to use a virtuously localized datetime object with those modules you will likely encounter the dreaded "Cannot compare naive and localized values".
One hack is to make sure the time is localized to the system's timezone, then make it naive, call the module's function, and then re-localize the result (again). Tedious and very prone to error. The one real problem with this hack is that on most systems the Python process has not @*^$&*@* clue what time zone it is in. Don't believe me? Try it:
>>> import timeEh, that's a tuple. And while "EST" is a time zone "EDT" is not a timezone. Yes, I can determine that I am in daylight savings time locally using time.daylight; but I can't localize a datetime to a daylight timezone because daylight is an attribute of a timezone, not a timezone itself. That is true regardless of what time.tzname says. And the "EST" doesn't have daylight savings time, "US/Eastern" does. "EST" is "US/Eastern" when not it daylight savings time. Gnarly.
>>> time.tzname
('EST', 'EDT')
But I want to use datetime obejcts reliably and safely with modules that require naive datetime objects.... The answer is to make the timezone known! I cannot reliably get it from the system but I can make it what I want, and what I want is UTC! Then my naive datetime objects do not have to be concerned with daylight savings time. I can just localize them to UTC and subsequently convert them to whatever timezone the user needs to see. This is accomplished using a combination of the os and time modules. Early on in my Python application I move myself to UTC. Here is an example that demonstrates the ugliness of naive times in an unknown timezone, and the beauty of the process being in UTC.
from datetime import datetimeAnd the output:
import pytz, time, os
print( 'NOW: {0}'.format( datetime.now( ) ) )
print( 'UTCNOW: {0}'.format(datetime.utcnow( ) ) )
# What timezone is local? Problem is, most of the time we just do not know.
print( 'LOCALIZEDNOW: {0}'.format( pytz.timezone( 'UTC' ).localize( datetime.now( ) ) ) )
print( 'LOCALIZEDUTC: {0}'.format( pytz.timezone( 'UTC' ).localize( datetime.utcnow( ) ) ) )
#Change to UTC
os.environ[ 'TZ' ] = 'UTC'
time.tzset( )
print( 'NOW: {0}'.format( datetime.now( ) ) )
print( 'UTCNOW: {0}'.format( datetime.utcnow( ) ) )
print( 'LOCALIZEDNOW: {0}'.format( pytz.timezone( 'UTC' ).localize( datetime.now( ) ) ) )
print( 'LOCALIZEDUTC: {0}'.format( pytz.timezone( 'UTC' ).localize( datetime.utcnow( ) ) ) )
NOW: 2012-10-26 07:03:31.285486
UTCNOW: 2012-10-26 11:03:31.285570
LOCALIZEDNOW: 2012-10-26 07:03:31.285632+00:00
LOCALIZEDUTC: 2012-10-26 11:03:31.285705+00:00
NOW: 2012-10-26 11:03:31.285787
UTCNOW: 2012-10-26 11:03:31.285812
LOCALIZEDNOW: 2012-10-26 11:03:31.285848+00:00
LOCALIZEDUTC: 2012-10-26 11:03:31.285875+00:00
Now the danger of somehow getting a naive datetime into the mix is completely avoided - I can always safely localize a naive time to UTC.